Monday, April 23, 2007

Quote for the day

Depressives say, “I have a condition.” The merely unhappy say, “Um, actually, I have a life.”
--Stephen Metcalf in his NYT review of Darcy Steinke's Easter Everywhere

(I don't think I even know what this means, but I like it anyway.)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Not such a great career after all?

I don't know about "most stressful", but I can see where "unchallenging" and "repetitive" came from.

Monday, April 09, 2007

More coyote in a Quizno's

The song. (I just love everything about this story. I can't get enough!)

Saturday, April 07, 2007

In which parallel universe?

From's 7 Great Careers for 2007:

Librarian. Forget about the image of librarian as mousy bookworm. Today's librarian is a high-tech information sleuth, a master of mining cool databases (well beyond Google) to unearth the desired nuggets. Plus you'll probably have regular hours and good job security. See the American Library Association's Web site or The Librarian's Career Guidebook, by Priscilla Shontz, and Straight from the Stacks: A First-Hand Guide to Careers in Library and Information Science, Laura Townsend Kane.

Yeah, that's it. Encourage even more people to enter this field. There are so many great jobs to go around.

Quote for the day

Once on a bad day, when he was 2, I realized I hated children and was going to have to let him go, but my friend Pammy said, "Sam has a deep sweetness." So I kept him.

--Anne Lamott, on her teenage son, in Salon

I've read about Lamott and her books previously, but I've never read any of her writing until a couple of her essays appeared as related stories linked to current Salon articles. I think I may have to investigate her further.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Winter again

Winter winter winter winter ONE NICE WEEK winter again summer.
--Jessa Crispin sums up the seasons in Chicago, where it was 70 on Tuesday and 35 from Wednesday on

Thursday, April 05, 2007

This can't be good

Don't look now, but I've become one of those people who says "you're welcome" to people who didn't say "thank you" (but should have). Can wearing a bun and shushing people be far behind?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Best. Story. Ever.

Coyote Caught at Downtown Quiznos.

You have to look at the slideshow--it's the best part.