Friday, August 13, 2010

Bolt from the blue

One of those days where I can't decide whether I love or hate Facebook. Last night I was screwing around online and logged in for what I had planned to be a second. Skimmed the latest status updates and saw one from long-lost childhood best friend about not being sure if she was craving popsicles because of the heat or the baby. Proceeded to spend a good 20 minutes prowling her page to ascertain whether she was actually pregnant (she is) and who the father is. Then spent an hour on the phone with my mom because I needed to share the news with someone and M. Defarge (who would not have been properly interested anyway) wasn't home. Then spent a good half an hour in bed mulling over this development, rehashing our last meeting and wondering about the proper etiquette for congratulating someone on a major life event when your only contact in the last 6 years was a random encounter in a shopping mall and a friend request on Facebook (hers; I accepted but did not make any additional overtures). My mom says post congrats; M. Defarge says let it go.

Total: Almost 2 hours of my life spent on a piece of news that I would not normally have learned, about a person who is no longer in my life. Considering the size of my to-do list right now, I'm not sure this was a good use of my time.

[On a semi-related but totally entertaining note, my mom ran into her mom at the grocery store earlier this year and learned that she was dating a person who had been (not sure how recently) struck by lightning. Assume this is the babydaddy, but could not find this information on his Facebook profile. Found it vastly amusing nonetheless.]


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