Friday, July 23, 2010


Tonight was supposed to me my annual outing with my friend Trina to the outdoor Shakespeare production (this year it's Twelfth Night). But in addition to the fact that it's almost 100 degrees without the humidity, the major news outlets are all predicting scattered but severe thunderstorms, including high winds and hail. So I had to ask to reschedule for fear that a tree might fall on us.

I was starting to make a little progress in recovering my phobia until last weekend, when we were on our way to a bed and breakfast in Michigan and a large tree limb fell into the road in front of us. It didn't hit the car, and M. Defarge was able to swerve around it, but it was still one more piece of evidence that the trees are out to get me. And it wasn't stormy or even windy. I may never leave the house again.

Trina and I exchanged our tickets for a performance a week from Wednesday, weather and trees permitting. I may bring a hardhat just in case.

(I don't know if this makes me feel better or worse.)


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