Monday, October 12, 2009

Almost halfway there

So I kind of forgot I had a blog for the last few weeks. Not that I would have had time to write anything even if I'd remembered. The last six weeks have gone by in a blur. Somehow I have a feeling that the next ten won't go quite as quickly.

Last Friday's class wasn't as painful as the last two, so that was encouraging. Caffeine immediately beforehand seems to help.

This week is a book discussion in conjunction with the midterm essay, in which they had to respond to something in Chip Kidd's The Cheese Monkeys that they found personally relevant. It seems to be one of those love-hate books, so hopefully there will at least be some discussion related to that.

And then we (the freshman seminar classes, that is; the rest of the school is still in session) have a week off for midterm. Hopefully I can use that to rethink the second half of the syllabus, because currently I have an entire class period devoted to "getting involved and co-curricular activities" and no idea how to stretch that beyond the ten minutes it'll take to talk about student organizations.

I think I'm ready to be a librarian again.


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