Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New hat

Like anyone who works for a small institution, I wear a lot of hats--librarian, tech support, copier repair, department secretary, guidance counselor... Yesterday I found out that, starting next week, another hat is going to be added to my wardrobe: instructor.

A year after I helped put together the freshman seminar curriculum (and a week before classes officially begin), my boss called me in and told me I've been assigned to teach two sections of the course. My first class is next Thursday morning.

Luckily this is a pretty structured course; all four of us who are teaching it have a common syllabus and course outline, although there's some room for modification. Two of the four instructors also have taught it several times, so they have plenty of activities and suggestions to share.

Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised by my ability to handle a classroom full of new freshmen and facilitate class discussions and activities, since I have zero experience doing either of these things on my own.

I'm excited and terrified at the same time. Luckily all of the students will be in the same boat. It'll definitely be an interesting 16 weeks.


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