Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Frostbite of the brain

Thank goodness for Martin Luther King, Jr. In addition to all of his Nobel Peace Prize-winning work for civil rights, I appreciate the fact that I get the day off on Monday because of him. God, I need it.

The brand-new, high-tech print management system in the library (new motto: "yes, now you have to pay to print") is down again. That's twice in less than two weeks. Apparently we got the Bartleby the Scrivener model--most days, it just prefers not to. On the first day of the semester, it was an IP address problem. This week, the "new" (refurbished) computer that runs it overheated and died. Apparently 3 weeks of use was too much for the processor fan.

Add to that the fact that tomorrow the high temperature here is supposed to be -2, and I have to say I'd prefer not to either. But it's a point of pride that our school, conveniently located as it is near all major public transit, never closes. Too bad my house is not similarly conveniently located. Today it was a balmy 2 degrees this morning when I left home and despite three pairs of socks and two pairs of gloves my extremities were freezing by the time I got on the train.

I may need the three-day weekend just to thaw out my brain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to comment for over a week now, but as with most procrastinations, I've lost some of the things I wanted to say. :)

I was watching the innaugural ball yesterday, where a whole bunch of artists were speaking and performing in front of the Lincoln memorial, and I never knew this before, but apparently U2's "In the name of love" was written about MLK. I guess I'd never really listened carefully to the lyrics, but when I realized what they were saying, I was even more impressed by the song.

We read "I have a Dream" today and took it apart to analyze it for persuasive devices. It was timed perfectly too, because when we finished, Barack came on to give his speech, so we analyzed that too. It was a very pleasant lesson. His speech wasn't the caliber of King's, of course, but it still gave me goosebumps. I still can't believe it. I guess I'll have to practice saying President Obama until it becomes real. =)

7:00 PM  
Blogger Madame Defarge said...

One more thing to love about Bono (as if I needed another).

What a great lesson! I think the two speeches complemented each other perfectly. And how nice to have a president who can give a coherent speech (and one with a decent vocabulary!). I'd almost forgotten what it was like.

5:09 PM  

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