Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Be it resolved

I've always been very big into New Year's resolutions. (Also Lent resolutions, birthday resolutions...) Making them, that is. Keeping them is a whole different story. In the past I would write them in my journal every Jan. 1 and then periodically revisit them and beat myself up about my shortcomings.

Last year M. Defarge and I did something a little different; we made joint resolutions that applied to both of us and posted them on the fridge. I have to say (no brag, just fact) that I did better than he did on most of them, but on the whole I was really impressed at how well we kept them. Unfortunately we did not do that this year, and now that he's descending into master's project-related panic, I have a feeling this is not the time to be bringing it up. So I'm going to post a few here so that someone is witness. Feel free to ask me for a progress report at any time.

  1. Write more--at least 1 blog post per week; possible additional writing with student club
  2. Learn to knit
  3. Start volunteering regularly (at least once a month) with Chicago Cares or another organization
  4. Apply for a grant or submit a work-related article for publication
I think that's probably sufficient; no point in overpromising and underdelivering. This will, however, be in addition to continuing last year's resolutions of going to the gym, not drinking caffeine, not eating lunch out on work days unless someone asks me, and organizing each room in the house (once; that should do it for another year).

Wish me luck!


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