Quote for the day
Jessa Crispin (Bookslut) on Stephen Baldwin, who apparently has moved from crappy movie star to raving religious psychopath (and whose new book contains an open letter to Bono about his work as the tool of Satan):
Dude? You're going after Bono? I'm pretty sure that Bono is the one person Jesus would personally talk to if he were into that sort of thing. You're just asking for a smiting.
Bono apparently was in Chicago yesterday, hanging out with Oprah at the Gap. Of course, I was at work. And, oh yeah, it was snowing here. So I'm not too sad that I didn't stand outside for hours with the masses just for a glimpse.
Dude? You're going after Bono? I'm pretty sure that Bono is the one person Jesus would personally talk to if he were into that sort of thing. You're just asking for a smiting.
Bono apparently was in Chicago yesterday, hanging out with Oprah at the Gap. Of course, I was at work. And, oh yeah, it was snowing here. So I'm not too sad that I didn't stand outside for hours with the masses just for a glimpse.
I saw that on CNN this morning. Anything red gets a donation, or something like that. I heard they want to something similar with pink for breast cancer.
There was a great line from it's always sunny in Philidelphia about the color coding of causes, and how people can accessorize their outfits with whatever color cause suits them best. I think we should make our own cause and assign a colored ribbon to it. What color would befit Misanthropes united?
Went to see Jerry Seinfeld last night. He was pretty damn funny. My favorite bit was about how the brain acts sometimes in completely incomprehensible ways. How you could be sitting across a table talking to someone, and be thinking: "I could stab him with a pair of scissors." Or you could be standing at the edge of a balcony and think "What if I jumped off right now? I could blow everyone's mind at this party if I did that." Apparently we float back and forth between homicidal and suicidal fantasies. We don't know why we come up with this stuff, our brains just seem to have the time to come up with some crazy shit. He also had some good stuff on marriage too.
My department head Dale is getting ready for her retirement cruise vacation. I told her i'm jealous. She said this is the type of thing you do at the end of your life, when you're about to die. I love her.
I had to sub for a class today because our freaking district is too god damn cheap to offer competitive wages for professional subs. So I got called out of my prep time to cover the emotionally and behaviorally disturbed class. The aid in the class pointed out the student they refer to as "Columbine". The rest he said they're just trying to keep out people's backyards or jail. Most of them will never hold a job and when their parents go, will have to be institutionalized. It was sad and scary at the same time.
We were talking to some friends of ours the other day and mentioned the Foley scandal. They didn't know what we were talking about. I could have cried. Now I know why that draft dodging, frat-hazing, wanna be cowboy, daddy's boy got re-elected.
I vote for gray ribbons for Misanthropes United. Black would be too chic.
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