Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Possibly my worst nightmare

I saw the worst thing on Lake Shore Drive on Friday. We were headed to Evanston for a wedding and sitting in early-rush-hour traffic. We were in the left lane and there was a Prius next to us. All of a sudden the driver (a woman about my age) opened the door, leaned out so that her head was almost touching the pavement, and threw up. Traffic started moving again, but she wasn't. I was terrified that she was going to get rear-ended. Eventually she recovered enough to pull the door mostly shut and move her car, but as soon as we stopped again, she was back out. I was about ready to get in the car with her and tell her to move over, I'd take her wherever she needed to go. But then we got stuck behind some left-turners and lost her.

At the rehearsal dinner I mentioned it to someone and said how I couldn't imagine anything more awful. He said, "Bet she was pregnant."

My guess as well. I think that episode set me back at least another six months. Being sick while driving is bad enough, but how would that possibly work on the El?


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